Note the lever high on the wall next to where you came in. It opens the door on the opposite side of the room, but you can't reach it yet.
For now, go to the top of the ramp and face the first burner. Take a running jump to grab the horizontal shelf that runs along above the burners.
Traverse to the right.
Drop down on the other side of the burners.
Pull the switch here to turn off the flames.
Climb into the opening to the left of the switch.
In the small room above, climb the ladder and follow the passageway to another small room.
The opening on the left is obstructed by movable blocks in the hallway on the level above. So you can't get out that way. Instead pull the switch.
This changes the positions of the pistons back in the ENGINE ROOM.
Then drop through the opening in the floor into the rusty passageway connecting the ENGINE ROOM and BURNER ROOM and return to the engine room.
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