Slide down the slope and jump to clear the breakaway tiles with glass shards below. Notice the haunting music. . . notice the Jade Dragon on the sea bottom outside the window.
Continue to a wet place on the floor. There are 2 barracudas here. One you should be able to kill right off with pistols. Then wade into the water, avoiding the breakaway tiles for now. Try to shoot the second barracuda through the tiles. When the fish floats to the surface, it's safe to take a swim.
Step on the tiles to break them.
Then swim out through the tunnel—forward and around the corner to the right. . .
. . . up through the narrow opening and then down to the left.
SECRET #3, the Jade Dragon, is lying on the sea floor opposite the ship's windows. When you pick it up, you'll receive a bonus of 4 sets of M16 clips if you've found the other two secrets as well.
Swim back into the ship the way you came.
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