To the left of the bridge is a slope with a green boulder at the top.
Climb up and position Lara with her back against the boulder.
Backflip over it. . .
. . . and slide down the slope as it starts to roll toward you. As soon as Lara stops sliding, hop back once and grab the edge as the boulder sails overhead.
Keep hanging as a second boulder rolls down from behind and lands at Lara's feet. Only then pull up.
Turn around and jump across the gap in the ledge. Go up the slope where the second boulder came from just as far as the first flat spot (i.e., the one with some tan stone as well as some green).
Turn right and take a running jump to grab the edge of the green island with the zip line handle and pull up. Don't worry; the warrior on the ledge ahead doesn't animate yet.
Now grab the zip line and ride it down through the opening in the rock wall.
As Lara passes over the lower of the two bridges, let go to land there.
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