Barkhang Monastery - Storage Room with Movable Crates

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The crate directly in front of you as you enter can be moved. Go around the left side of it. . .

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. . . and pull it once.

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Jump over the barrels into the corner and push the first crate once so it ends up next to the doorway.

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Now go to the crate on your left and pull it once, into the spot where the first crate was originally.

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Climb over it to find some automatic pistol clips sitting on the floor where the second crate started. Now pull the first crate once to block the doorway.

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Climb on top of the crates you just moved and pull the crate on top of the stack once.

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Underneath are 2 bunches of harpoons, just what you need now that you're 500 miles from the nearest ocean. ;)

[Return to the Barkhang Monastery Walkthrough]

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