Natla's Mines - Defeating the Skateboarder - Uzis and Secret #3

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After detonating the dynamite to open the way, as shown in the previous section, ready weapons and enter the skate park. The skateboarder (2) is waiting at the top right corner of this huge room, and he's armed with your Uzis! He'll generally approach along one of the two paths indicated above. If you'd rather not go head-to-head, skip the next few screenshots and check out this safer alternative.

Otherwise, go ahead and bust out those magnums (assuming you're not attempting a pistols-only run). I recommend that you save at least a dozen shotgun rounds for the next fight, against the bald guy, since there's an achievement/trophy that involves the shotgun.

If you're confident enough to fight him on his own turf, you probably don't need my help. Just remember to keep moving so it's harder for him to target Lara, but don't jump around too frantically, since there are lava pits everywhere. If possible, get behind him so you can damage him without being hit yourself. If you need a little help, read on.

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You can also use the same basic tactics I suggested for the cowboy: Advance into the room, get a lock on your target...

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...and hop/flip back into the entryway while firing.

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Keep shooting and flip left to right to reduce the damage from his bullets. And of course, watch Lara's health bar and use medi packs as needed.

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He will sometimes follow Lara into the entryway. There's no completely safe spot on the ground. But if this happens, just keep shooting and flipping, and either you'll finish him off, or he'll skate back outside.

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If he moves out of range, advance again to get his attention...

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...and repeat the back/side flip maneuvers as you chip away at his health.

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When he finally lands his last ollie, the "Yes, I'm Firing at You!" achievement/trophy unlocks...

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...and you can claim your UZIS (20). (No, I don't know where he was hiding them, and it's probably best not to ask.)

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To find the third secret—or get to a safe-ish spot from which to fight the skater—begin at the entrance and head to the left. Take a running jump across the lava pit.

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Either pick up the Uzi clips (21) lying on the ground in the (northeast) corner or make a mental note to retrieve them after the fight. Turn right at the corner and continue forward.

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Just beyond the next square pillar is one pit filled with water instead of lava. (There's also another Uzi ammo pickup ahead, but it's more convenient to get it after the secret.) Jump in.

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Swim down and left, through the wooden door, which opens automatically.

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Pick up small and large medi packs, plus some Uzi ammo (22-24). This is SECRET #3.

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Leave the way you entered, but instead of swimming all the way out, go through the wooden door and immediately swim upward to a small room where you can surface.

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Climb out of the water. Then climb up several more ledges...

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...to an opening above the big room with the ramps.

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Shoot the skateboarder from this opening if you didn't do so already. He can target Lara from below, but this is generally much less dangerous than fighting him on the ground. If he does start shooting, back away from the opening, then step forward again to shoot him the next time he passes by.

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When the coast is clear, drop down and get the Uzi ammo (25) lying on the ground just below the opening...

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...as well as the Uzi clips (21) in the northeast corner...

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...and the UZIS (24) the skateboarder dropped, if you didn't get them earlier.

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There's also one more Uzi ammo (26) pickup about two-thirds of the way up the west side of the room, just below the ramp that runs along the west wall. The exit is directly opposite the entrance, in the middle of the north wall. (New Game+ players get another save crystal in the passage beyond.)

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)