Palace Midas - Aqueduct - Secrets #1 and #2

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After climbing to the top of the SAND ROOM, as shown in the previous section, turn right and climb the rocks...

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...to an opening across from a water-filled aqueduct. (There's a save crystal here in NG+.) Mind the gap. It's a long way down. Kill 2 bats (17-18) and 2 gorillas (19-20) from the doorway.

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You can see some items in a hole below, but don't drop down yet. You can probably also target another gorilla (21) running around down there. If you're patient, you can dangle Lara from the edge to attract its attention. Then pull up and shoot. But if you can't kill it from this height, that's OK. You may be able to injure it so it'll be easier to kill later.

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Take a running jump across the gap to the walkway around the aqueduct. Two crocodiles (22-23) swim along the aqueduct here. You may need to take a dip to draw them out so you can shoot them from the walkway. (If you look down, you'll notice you're now high above the area where you killed the lions earlier.)

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When it's safe, swim through the tunnel at the west end of the aqueduct.

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Surface in a small cave and climb out of the water on the right.

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Turn left then climb up on the rocks. Walk forward (with the pool on your left) until Lara won't walk farther.

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Face the middle or left side of the angled block ahead (the right side is too high). Take a standing jump over it...

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...and immediately jump again to land on the rocks ahead. Lara will slide down to a flat spot in the corner.

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Turn left and walk/slide down to the magnum clips and small medi pack (9-10), which are SECRET #1.

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Swim back through the tunnel.

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Then return to the north end of the aqueduct where you entered this area.

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Move to the edge of the gap, on the left side when facing the tunnel that leads back to the previous area.

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Safety drop into the hole with the small medi pack, shotgun shells and Uzi ammo (11-13). This is SECRET #2. If you didn't kill the gorilla (21) from above, do it now by jumping up and down until you get a pistol lock on it, then continuing to jump and fire until it's dead. Then take a standing jump out of the hole.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)