Lost Valley - First Machine Cog

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When the coast is clear, locate another rectangular opening in the valley wall about halfway between the broken bridge and the large raised opening near the corner (from which you may have just shot the T. rex). Climb in...

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...and follow the passageway to a slight drop-off. Don't hop down yet. If you get a pistol lock on the raptor (11) just ahead and hold Action, Lara will maintain the lock and fire when it comes into range. It can't reach her here.

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When it's dead, continue to a small room with a pool. Climb the tall rock ledges...

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...to find the FIRST MACHINE COG (4), one of three cogs you'll need to repair the ANCIENT MACHINE.

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Climb down and jump into the water.

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Follow the underwater passageway to emerge back in the valley.

[Lost Valley Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)