Cistern - Secret #3 and Silver Key Doors

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Now head for the ornate balcony on the north side of the MAIN ROOM. The ledge below the balcony is reachable now that you've raised the water level. Climb the stairs.

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But before unlocking the doors, find the movable block to the left of the entrance. Push it once.

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Enter the room behind it. This is SECRET #3.

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Stand underneath the L-shaped ledge with the balustrade, with Lara's back toward the slope. Step back to make sure she's as close to the base of the slope as possible. Backflip onto the slope...

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...then hold Jump and Action to spring forward off the slope and grab the ledge. Pull up.

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Gather 2 sets of magnum clips and a large medi pack (22-24). Drop down and exit past the movable block.

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Use the 2 SILVER KEYS to unlock the metal doors.

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Go in and climb onto the square pillar on the right. (In NG+, there's another save crystal here.)

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Take a running jump to grab the ledge near the gold keyhole. Pull up to activate the gorilla (27) lurking on the left.

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Then immediately safety drop to the floor to avoid it.

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Climb back onto the square pillar and kill the ape from there.

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Jump back across and use the GOLD KEY to unlock the door below. Don't drop down until you've killed the 2 lions (28-29) that emerge.

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You can dangle Lara from the ledge to get their attention, then pull up and shoot. Or jump across to the other ledge, or down to the square pillar, to get a better vantage. When the coast is clear, drop down and enter the next room.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)