Atlantis - Mutant Hatchery Near Level Start (continued)

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After climbing to the upper level of the hatchery and destroying the first flying mutant, as shown in the previous section, get the shotgun shells if you didn't do so already. Then head for the northeast corner (on the right when facing the level entrance below).

Tomb Raider I Remastered screenshot
Use the switch in the dark alcove...

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...to open the door directly across the room (in the northwest corner). There you'll find a second switch. Use it.

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This opens the exit on the upper level west wall, opposite the doorway where you first came up the stairs, and also activates the middle incubator on the east wall. Exit the switch alcove and turn right. Continue forward then left onto the center walkway.

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When you reach the middle, where the shotgun shells were, the egg below explodes releasing another flying mutant (5). Hop/flip back and kill it from above, like you did the other.

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This one seems more aggressive and more likely to try and land on the upper level. So watch out. And don't hesitate to use more powerful weapons if you can.

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When it's dead, continue along the right (west) side toward the exit. The last egg will hatch below...

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...and a catlike mutant (6) will come up the stairs in the far left (southeast) corner. You may be able to get in a few shots as it runs across the lower level.

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Then continue firing when it emerges on the upper level. It may then approach from either direction. So if necessary, back away from it while firing.

Grab the small medi pack (3) in the far right (southwest) corner alcove if you missed it earlier. Then head down the west stairs (opposite the ones you came up) to the lower level. (Check the screenshot showing the last egg, above, if you get disoriented.)

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On the way down, you'll see a third switch. Throw it to open the middle door in the room below.

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The door at the bottom of the stairs opens as you approach.

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Proceed forward then to the right, through the door you just opened.

[Previous | Atlantis Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)