This room introduces a new puzzle element: using flammable oil to clear a wooden barrier.
Start by using a rope arrow to pull the lever in the far left corner of the room.
This causes oil to run down a narrow trough into a shallow pool in front of the wooden barrier.
Now use the jaguar-head handle in the middle of the room... ignite the oil.
The flame spreads along the channel in the floor to the pool, burning the barrier away. you can proceed.
Follow the tunnel to a steep drop-off. Jump forward and latch onto the climbable wall. Climb down as far as you can.
Then rappel the rest of the way down to the cavern below. Here you'll find a more elaborate version of the flammable barrier puzzle.
Before starting on it, head down the stairs, but before you reach the two columns, drop down on the left and jump across the gap...
...into a small room with some cloth and jade ore.
Return to the edge, jump back across the gap, scramble up the wall to grab the edge, and pull up.
[Head of the Serpent Walkthrough]
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