Kuwaq Yaku – The Forge DLC
Side Mission: Echoes of the Past (part 2)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
You can't reach the central platform with the sarcophagus directly. You'll need to work your way around the edge of the room and approach it from the other side. Start by shooting a rope arrow into the rope coil at the top of the ornate panel suspended from the ceiling.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Lara yanks on the rope, rotating the panel...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...to reveal a rough climbing surface on the back. Jump toward the panel and latch on with your axes. Climb up and to the left. Then jump down to the ledge on the left.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Pick up some gold ore in the corner near the brazier.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Use a rope arrow to rotate the next ornate panel so the climbable back side faces Lara.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Jump over to the climbable panel, climb to the left, then jump down onto the ledge near the left wall.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Use a rope arrow to flip the next panel.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Scramble up the wall and latch onto the square climbing area. Climb to the right, then jump to the right and latch onto the panel you just flipped.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Climb to the left, then jump across the gap to the climbable area on the side of the large, square column.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Axe-climb then scramble onto the ledge above.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Move out onto the wooden ledge. Jump across the gap toward the wall, then scramble up to grab the narrow ledge above. Climb around to the right...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...as far as you can. Then jump to the next climbable wall on the right. Climb down as far as possible.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Then rappel down, swing back and forth, and jump onto the ledge ahead.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Beyond this ledge are 2 ornate panels set into the walls. Use rope arrows to flip both of them...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...revealing climbable surfaces.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Now, either climb along the carved moulding from left to right, let go, and latch onto the climbable panel as Lara falls past it...

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...or take a running jump directly across the wide gap and latch onto the nearer of the climbable panels you just revealed.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Climb to the right, then jump and latch onto the perpendicular climbing wall and climb onto the ledge above. (You probably won't even need the lower section of climbable wall, but it's there in case Lara slips or misses the upper section. Don't bother trying to rappel down to the floor; it's too far, and you need to reach the crypt above anyway.)

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