Follow the Crimson Fire down the steps and through the crowd of assembled Yaaxil.
As you approach the circular door, a brief cutscene shows the Yaaxil leader ordering her people to open the door. When it's open, Lara and the Crimson Fire step through together.
Follow the Crimson Fire as she heads off to the right. Lara doesn't have the Yaaxil's preternatural agility, but you can almost keep up if you jump off the ledge, swing on the horizontal bar, and latch onto the climbing wall beyond.
Axe-climb to the right as far as you can, leap across the gap and latch onto the next climbable area. Continue climbing upward and to the right.
When you run out of climbing wall, jump out to the right, grapple the beam above, and swing over to the wooden walkway.
Run forward along the walkway, jump across the gap, and continue to the end.
Scramble up the wooden wall to grab the beam at the top.
Climb around the corner to the left.
Then jump to another rough climbing surface.
Climb up and around to the left until you can pull up onto the ledge above.
As you move forward, another helicopter flies in and deposits an armored personnel carrier on the bridge below. Rourke's voice on the radio informs his men that the entire Trinity High Council has arrived and they need to get the situation under control. (Now, I'm not the boss of a shadowy organization bent on world domination, but doesn't it seem like putting all your eggs in one big, volcanic basket is a bad idea?)
Move out to the end of the broken wooden bridge and jump across the wide gap to the other side.
Continue down to the next jutting wooden ledge. Jump off the edge, grapple the beam above, and swing around to the cracked climbing wall ahead on the left.
As you move up and around to the right, a helicopter starts firing at Lara, causing the climbing wall to crumble away behind her. There's no need to panic, though. As long as you keep moving, you should be fine.
Continue climbing onto the wooden ladder at the top of the wall...
...then up the ladder to the ledge above. As you go, a group of Yaaxil jump onto the helicopter...
...sending it spinning into the lake of fire below.
As you follow the Crimson Fire along the bridge to the next circular door, Lara tells Jonah they've cleared a path to the temple and Dominguez is inside. Approach the door to trigger the next cutscene.
[City of the Serpent Walkthrough]
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