Research Base - Tents Pitched on Frozen Pond

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Head up the hill from the Weather Station Base Camp to find a campsite set up on a frozen pond. A low wall of branches prevents you from simply swimming across, but there's a hole in the ice near the second tent.

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Swim under the water toward that hole. As you do, 2 enemies appear on the ice above.

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Hold LT/Right Mouse to remain submerged as you watch the soldiers through the hole. One of them moves off, while the other crouches down to work on an ice-cutting machine.

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Surface next to him and when you see the Melee icon above his head, press Y/F...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot pull him into the water and drown him.

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Stay quiet as you climb out of the water, since the second enemy is still nearby.

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He's not wearing a helmet, so you can take him out with a silent headshot...

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...or sneak up behind him and use a Melee attack.

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There are more enemies in the area beyond the red truck, but before taking care of them, move around to the far side of the pond, beyond the rocket-looking thingy, which I assume is some sort of meteorological equipment...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot find a strongbox (1/2) containing a FULL-AUTO SHOTGUN PIECE (3/4).

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