In addition to the repeater tower for the Communications Breakdown Challenge (covered on a separate page), this abandoned sawmill contains a few other important items.
There are boxes of rifle and pistol ammo near the large boulder just below the transmitter. In and around the building are several salvage crates and a few dangling objects that you can't get yet since you don't have the proper gear. (These are not shown, but you can use Survival Instinct if you have any trouble spotting them.)
Watch out for wolves nearby. There may be several in the open area southeast of the mill building. If you shoot at them, some will charge, but others may run into their den just north of here. Whether or not you kill them, the wolves respawn at intervals so always be cautious in this area. If you do kill them, remember to collect their hides for crafting.
Inside the sawmill, climb the yellow ladder to the upper level...
...and pry open the strongbox (2/14) to get a SEMI-AUTO PISTOL PART (3/4).
Drop back down to the middle level and move onto the outdoor deck that's on the left when facing the ladder. Here you'll find more salvage...
...and a cell containing a relic (2/18), a Family Photo from the Gulag Possessions set. Examine the back of the photo for extra XP and Russian language proficiency.
Return inside and climb over to the ledge behind the yellow ladder. Turn around to face the back of the ladder and jump over to the thick beam on the left and from there to the sloping roof ahead.
Examine the mural (4/12), Star of Progress from the Soviet Crests series, for XP and Russian language proficiency.
You can also reach the mural by scrambling up the outside of the building.
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