Next, jump out and grapple the top
of the wall to the east. Climb up and walk to the right end of the wall.
Jump down onto the ledge below to get some more salvage.
Then jump off the end of the wooden ramp and grapple the tower ahead. Climb up and around to the left...
...into the area where one of the two enemies was standing. If he didn't fall off the edge when you shot him, you can loot his body. You'll find herbs and possibly feathers and hardwood here as well.
Then, either grapple-swing across to the ledge ahead on the left (and skip the next 3 screenshots)...
...or scale the climbable wall up and around to the right to reach the ledge where the second man was.
Search the body if it's still here and grab some herbs from the container.
Jump down onto the ledge below and to the south to find a box of supplies.
Leap off the edge and grapple the broken archway to the south. Climb up on top of the arch and move in toward the wall.
Scale the climbable section of wall with your axes. Then scramble up to the handhold above. Climb, then jump, to the right, and finally scramble up once more to reach the ledge above.
Go down the stairs and around to the right to enter the FLOODED ARCHIVES.
[Part 1 | Return to the Geothermal Valley Walkthrough]
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