Please see here for Tomb Raider 4-5-6 Remastered Cheats.
Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.
IMPORTANT: Many people have emailed to say that these cheats don't work. For the PC version, it may have to do with some systems not accepting multiple alphanumeric keys at the same time. If they don't work for you, consider using a savegame editor to add extra weapons or ammo. Or, if you're trying to skip a level, you could download a save file instead.
If you have trouble making Lara face exactly north, see the note marked ** after the cheats.
WARNINGS: There are a few areas where using cheats can cause the AI to malfunction, so other characters either don't appear or don't behave as they are supposed to, preventing you from completing certain levels. These are noted in the walkthrough where I am aware of them. In case there are other problems I don't know about, I recommend saving the game in a new slot before using any cheats. Then you can revert to your earlier save if necessary.
Using the all-items/all special items cheats on the PlayStation can also result in a serious bug. These cheats may give you all the items in the current level, but they occasionally erase items you've collected previously, including crucial puzzle items. Also, some players have reported being unable to save their game after using the cheats. So proceed with caution. Save your game before entering any cheat and check carefully to make sure you've still got everything you had previously before saving again.
Using the level skip cheat can also lead to situations where you are missing necessary items in later levels, so you will not be able to finish the game without further cheating. Use the codes at your own risk.
PC & Macintosh Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing exactly north.** Then escape to the inventory screen. Highlight the Load Game icon (stone tablet). Press and hold the keys H E L P for a moment or, if that doesn't work, press and hold S K I P. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Then exit the menu by pressing Escape.
If this doesn't work for you exactly as written, try this: After pressing and holding the H E L P or S K I P keys, enter the load menu, then exit the pressing menu and return to the game. You should then skip to the next level. (Thanks to almayah for this tip.)
PC & Macintosh All Items (includes ammo & medipaks but not keys/puzzle items): Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Then escape to the inventory screen. Highlight the small medipak icon but don't select it. Press and hold the keys G U N S for a moment. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Then exit the menu by pressing Escape.
PC & Macintosh All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Then do the All Items cheat (above). Exit inventory by pressing Escape but continue facing north. Open inventory again, highlight the large medipak icon but don't select it. Press and hold the keys W E A P O N S for a moment. (This is not case sensitive, but you do need to hold all the keys down together.) Exit the menu by pressing Escape.
PC Flight Patch - This unofficial patch allows Lara to fly in TR2, 3 and 4. does not support this patch. Use it at your own risk. (Download)
PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you're stuck.
PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files to add weapons, items, health, change Lara's status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.
PlayStation Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight Load Game. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Press Triangle to exit the inventory screen and you should advance to the next level.
PlayStation All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Up together for a moment. Press Triangle to exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
PlayStation All Items (keys, artifacts, etc.): First read the important warning above. Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the large medipak. Press and hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 + Down together for a moment. Press Triangle to exit the inventory screen and you should have everything.
NOTE TO PSP AND VITA PLAYERS: According to my helpers Andrew S. and N0i0b, the PS1 cheats listed above work on PSP and Vita as well. For the PSP, it may help to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. On Vita, you can map two buttons to one, which makes the finger contortions a little easier.
IMPORTANT: If any of the Dreamcast cheats don't work for you, try changing the controller settings from Digital to Analog while inputting the cheats. This should make them work correcltly. (Thanks to Sage for this info.)
Dreamcast All Weapons, Infinite Ammo & medipaks: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak and press L, Up, X, Up, R, Y. Exit the inventory screen.
Alternate Dreamcast All Weapons: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press and hold L + R, then press Y.
Dreamcast Unlimited Ammo: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight the small medipak. Press L trigger, R trigger, Up, Right, Up, Start, then Start again.
Dreamcast Level Skip: Use the compass to position Lara facing due north.** Go to the inventory screen and highlight Load Game. Press and hold L + R, then press Y.
Laser Sight Bug: (I know this works on the PC and have heard it also works for Dreamcast, but I'm not sure about other systems.) Combine either the revolver or crossbow with the laser sight then take aim using the Look button. Without releasing Look, press the number 1, the hotkey for pistols. (On the Dreamcast, combine the crossbow or revolver with the laser sight. Zoom in, hold L then press Start. While still holding L, select the pistols and press A. While still holding L, exit the pause screen.) You'll hear Lara drawing pistols and you'll now be able to shoot with laser-sight accuracy and unlimited ammo.
**NOTE ON FACING NORTH: The compass is on the inventory screen. When Lara is facing due North, the red point on the needle points directly to 'N' and the compass needle turns transparent—at least it does on the consoles and on most PC video cards. If you're having trouble positioning her, find a ledge or block that runs east to west and grab the edge from the south side. Then either let go or climb up and Lara should be facing north. If you find that facing north doesn't work, you might try facing EAST instead. I had an email from one raider who says this worked for him with the PC all-weapons cheat.
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