Classic Tomb Raider 2 & Golden Mask Expansion Cheat Codes

See here for Tomb Raider 1-2-3 Remastered.

Please keep in mind that I only have the PC version of these games, so I can't vouch for the accuracy of any of the console cheats. Unless otherwise indicated, all cheats are done during gameplay and are based on the default control configuration. If you have changed any controls, either try the cheats with the corresponding keys you've assigned, or revert to the defaults before entering cheats.

PC, Macintosh & iOS Level Skip: Light a flare (/ key), then walk one step forward, walk one step back, turn around three times in either direction, then jump forward.

PC, Macintosh & iOS All Weapons & Ammo: Light a flare (/ key), then walk one step forward, walk one step back, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip. This cheat also provides extra medipaks. (Note that this cheat does not work in the last level, Home Sweet Home.)

Alternatively, beat the game and then, without quitting, start a new game. You should then have all weapons and ammo.

PPC, Macintosh & iOS Exploding Lara: Execute either of the cheats above without a flare in Lara's hand. Not a pretty sight, believe me.

Note to Macintosh Users: If you're using the numeric keypad controls and are having trouble with these cheats, try doing them with the regular arrow keys.

PC Flight Patch - This unofficial patch allows Lara to fly in TR2, 3 and 4. does not support this patch. Use it at your own risk. (Download)

PC & Mac Savegame Files: An alternative to cheat codes is to download a save file from just beyond the spot where you're stuck.

PC Savegame and Position Editors - Edit your save files to add weapons, items, health, change Lara's status (air, on fire), or reposition her anywhere in a level. For details, see the Savegame Editors page.

If you're not sure whether you have a PAL or NTSC console, see the note on PlayStation codes page.

NOTE: A few players have reported that the PAL codes do not work for them and instead make Lara explode. If this happens to you, try the alternate versions or the NTSC versions of the same codes.

PlayStation TR2 Level Skip (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, jump forward and roll in mid-air (Up + Square, Circle).

PlayStation TR2 Level Skip (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction. Then jump forward (Up + Square).

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold walk and step left, right, left, forward, then back. Release walk and hold Left to spin around three times. Then quickly do a foward jump and roll (Square + Down and then Circle). (This alternative version is confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Or, hold walk and step left, right, left, backward, forward. Spin around three times in either direction. Then quickly do a foward jump and roll (Square + forward and then Circle).

PlayStation TR2 All Weapons & Ammo (NTSC version): Hold walk (R1) and sidestep left, sidestep right, sidestep left, step back, and step forward. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, back flip and roll in mid-air (Down + Square, Circle).

PlayStation TR2 All Weapons & Ammo (PAL version): Light a flare (L2). Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward, then step back. Release walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square).

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold Walk and then step right, step left, step right, step left, step back, step forward, turn three times in either direction. Then back flip (Down + Square). (This alternative version is confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Or, hold walk and then step left, right, left, back, forward. Then spin around two times in either direction. Then quickly do a backflip and roll (Square + Down and then Circle).

PlayStation Infinite Flares: Enable the All-Weapons Cheat above, then press Triangle to draw pistols (not sure if it matters which guns are selected). Press L2. A flare will appear even if there are no flares in inventory.

PlayStation Exploding Lara: Hold walk (R1) and use the D-Pad to step forward then step back. Still holding walk, turn around three times in either direction, then back flip (Down + Square). (Confirmed to work for PSVita as well.)

Or, if the above doesn't work for you, try this: Hold Walk and then step left, right, left, forward, then back. Release walk and hold Left to spin around five times. Then back flip (Down + Square).

NOTE TO VITA PLAYERS: When using the original PS1 cheat codes noted above on the PSVita, you will need to assign the L2 and R2 buttons to the front touch screen and use digital controls (i.e., the pad and not the analog sticks) for entering the cheats. Thanks to Andrew S. for this info. I'm still not sure if the NTSC codes work.

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