Media: Published Stories
Not only are my stories on the internet, and on paper that you’ve printed them out on, but now published! I was contacted by the editor of a comic book, Tales of Lara Croft and was asked if they could publish one of my stories.
The comic book is a non-profit book. The first issue has my story, Search for Delphi in it, which has been beautifully illustrated by James Watson, the editor.
When the comic book was released, I held a contest where four Tomb Raider fans won a copy of the comic, which I signed for them! Comics were shipped to Canada, the US, Netherlands, and Greece. Check out my contest page in my Fan Club if you want to read about other contests I've held.
I was interviewed by my local paper about the comic book/contest so if you’re interested in reading the article, visit the Media section. Click on the image below to see a larger view of the comic.