Fan Club: Fan Praise
Over the years I have had thousands of fans from all around the world send me comments on my Tomb Raider stories. I truly appreciate everyone taking their time to share their thoughts with me. Below are just a few of the letters I've received.
Michael wrote:
I received your package through the post yesterday morning! Firstly many thanks for letting me enter the competition and for taking the trouble to put it all together. The Story I’ve yet to read through but will in the next spare evening, you’ve bound it brilliantly and the message you left me was very sweet. Thanks once again, I’m ever so happy to have received it! Thanks once again for the competition and taking the trouble to put it all together. It’s wonderful to have received it.
I’ve finished the book I must congratulate you on your work. You can tell that you enjoy research and expanding on the most minute detail in all of your writing Katie, and that’s one of the reasons I thoroughly enjoy reading your work. The story is brilliant and thrilling, the characters are embodied with a real sense of humanity and everything slots together in such a cohesive way. It’s a brilliant new addition to your Fiction and a brilliant story in its own right. Stunning work as always Katie!
Penny wrote:
Hi Katie! Just a quick note to let you know that I picked up my prize yesterday; the book and magnet are beautiful, thanks so much! ... it will be in my top bedside drawer so that I can have a quick "unwind" every night before bed with our favourite heroine!
Raider Man wrote:
Katie!! WOW!! when I just watched it, I jumped like a crazy hehe LOL!! The Tomb Raider Annivarsary special edition was very amazing, I watched it, and what I watched you, I watched how did you become TR fan, you become famous in website, OH!! GOD!! I didnt know that I am a friend of a star person, why didnt you tell me before, YOU ARE FAMOUS!! You deserve it, you really deserve it, I am very proud of you, sorry now I know that you are very famous, I just got SHOCKED about it. :)
Selena wrote:
OMG I've just read ALL your fan mail and like 99% of them say that your a brilliant writer! AND I AGREE! I personally think you have so much talent that you should broaden your horizens and start writing stories about something other than Tomb Raider. Please write back!
Dave wrote:
I got it, and I'm reading it now, I'm on page 2 and it's already an awesome story! I love the cover of this book too, looks very professional and beautiful; perfect choice of a cover image!The note inside was cute too haha, made me think to way back when I first stumbled upon your website and wished and wished and wished that I would win the comic book, which I can't find now btw! Since then I had to pack up my room and paint it, so it's in a box in my basement somewhere, haha. I'll find it someday though, and read it for some good memories :)
Thanks for sending me it, for having a contest, and for sharing your love of writing with me and every other Tomb Raider fan out there! I'm sure your going to go far. All the best.
Rachel wrote:
Hi Katie! It was very exciting to see a large yellow package on my doorstep from Canada today! The amount of effort you have put into this is purely -Mind blowing-. The front cover is fantastic! I also liked the little message in the front cover =D
The story is amazing. I promised myself that as soon as I got it, I'd read it. I'm only up to page 32, but still, it's great so far! Once again, thanks for this amazing prize!
Tia wrote:
This story [A Room in Waiting] is amazing! It's fun to imagine the scenery and temples in your head. Once again, excellent job Katie!
Chris wrote:
Hi Katie! I just wanted to congratulate you on another incredible story! Each time you release a new story, it becomes my favorite. I didn't think they could get any better, but "A Room In Waiting" is by far my favorite story and I am sure I will read it many more times. This story is truly amazing and it really feels as though you have visited Tikal yourself! I can tell you did your research well! Congratulations!!!
Sacir Srdanovic wrote:
Hey Katie, I'm from Montenegro (ex Yugoslavia) and I am big fan of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider games. I found your site and I have read all of your stories, and my only word is GREAT! You done a great job, I really love your stories...Just keep going, you done a great job! All the best, and continue your work coz its great :-)
Nigel wrote:
Hi Katie, I've just read your latest story, 'A Room in Waiting', and I must say it's your best yet! It's the longest but once I started reading it I couldn't stop so I ended up reading it at one go. The amount of detail to the environment, as well as the fact that Lara got injured (she's not an invulnerable goddess after all, just almost) were really good, they really helped me to visualise the places, and what was occurring. One thing I particularly liked was the fact that Lara found items such as flares, medi-packs, weapons, and ammunition, something which reminded me of the games so much it was nostalgic (I could almost hear some background music playing from the games at some points, specifically the one typically played when Lara discovers a "treasure" room). And of course Lara is as witty and good at outsmarting those who stand in her way as ever.
Keep up the good work! I look forward to your next story (eventually, I expect you would want, and deserve, a little break)
Richard wrote:
Great story [A Room in Waiting]. Nice ending. I think you will get a lot of email about this.
Congratulations on a huge and successful effort.
Raider126 wrote:
Hi Katie, I am writing just to say that I think your stories are fantastic, it is really nice to relax and read them after a long stressful day. I saw your site about a year ago when I became a Tomb Raider fan and immediately downloaded them. After reading your work, I really wanted to write fan fiction of my own, I was really bad at spelling at the time, but writing Lara fan fiction which you inspired me to do really helped improve it, I got the highest score in the class on my end of year English test, so Thank you Katie! At the moment I am planning my own Tomb Raider website because I wanted to share my ideas with others, I am definitely going to have a banner for your site on my main page. My favourite story is Premonitions, but I loved all of them. Can't wait for the next story : )
Lance wrote:
I love the Revenge of the Aztec Gods it was awesome and very exciting I give it a 100/100
Daniel Sherwood wrote:
Over the weekend I received the prize. It gave me the idea to do that for a couple of my friends. Anyway I love the cover and I read it now twice and looking forward to reading it to someone, which gives me an idea, you should record your stories and have an audio CD that way the fans can just not read them anywhere, but also listen to them as well. Anyway the bonus was great - here is a picture of me with the prize.

Richard Stapp wrote:
I just got it. What a beautiful cover! and a nice bonus as well.

Anssi wrote:
Hi Katie, I got my prizes. Thanks. I like very much the prizes. Cover of story is very nice and very good job! Key chain is very nice, too. I can't describe my feelings good enough. But thanks a lot for you.
Hanna wrote:
Hi Katie! Just wanted to let you know that I received the prizes yesterday! :) Thank you very much. Also the keychain was really nice!
Rigo wrote:
omg Katie, Your stories are the best. I especially liked Perilous Paradise. It was full of so much detail, and the plot was incredible. Great job, and I hope to read more of your stories in the near future.
Alexandra wrote:
Hello. My name is Alexandra. I am 20 years old and I'm also a big fan of Lara Croft Tomb Raider and I've seen you on the TRA documentary. Wow!. I really admire your work and congratulations on winning.
Suzanne wrote:
Hi Katie, I just wanted to say, Perilous Paradise is fantabulous! After reading the story, I believe more than ever that Eidos should hire you. They could do with some good stories, and yours are, without a doubt, pretty damn cool! Keep it up! Keep well
Tala wrote:
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your latest story! I loved it and it has to be my favorite so far! It was very well planned and had a lot of detail in it! That is what I love in a story! Lots of details... Anyway, do you think you could make a set of all of your books to sell? I would love to buy all of them!
Rachel wrote:
Hello Katie. Yes i have recieved my prize thank you! It came within like...3 Days after you sent me the final email? Whenever it came, i was really quick. The CD was great! I took my time and looked around a bit, the working must have taken a long time! Thanks for this opportunity, I am very happy! Take Care, Good luck with the new story!
Line Demers wrote:
Hi Katie! Thank you so much for the keychain & cd! I must say I really enjoy reading your stories; Much more so than some of the stories written by male authors. I get the feeling we'll be reading more of your stories in the years to come! :-) Oh, here's a picture of me and the prizes... Thanks again & take care!

George wrote:
Hiya Katie Well, what can I say? This CD is absolutely awesome. It's going to be something I treasure my whole life. It was wonderful to hear your voice too. It's so professional I'm stunned. It's started me thinking too. Maybe one day I'll be able to put all my Tomb Raider games onto a DVD in a package like this. Thanks Katie
Dale Zaugg wrote:
Katie- Good news! I received the CD from Eidos today here in Texas! It looks Stunning! You've really done an excellent job in compiling and creating this CD.Thanks again!
William wrote:
Hey Katie! The prize arrived yesterday, thank you so much! I really enjoyed it and it's obvious that you put a lot of work into making it! I found the commentaries on your stories particularly interesting and looking behind the scenes at your part in the documentary was awesome as well! I look forward to your next contest and your future stories! Thanks again!
Chris wrote:
Hey Katie! Just to let you know I received my CD and key chain today! They are both brilliant!! The CD is awesome i can see a lot of work went into it! Its so well made, it looks very professional! Thanks very much!!!!
Richard Stapp wrote:
Got it. You did a great job on the disk. I tried hangman, 2 out of 3 for a start. Thanks for the note on TRA note paper.
Katie -- Richard sent me a Lara Bobblehead!
Esselta wrote:
Hi Katie, wooow, I´m so happy. Today is very lucky day for me. When I came home (afternoon) I opened our postbox and you don´t know what I found :-) The pack from Ottawa :-) It was big surprise, very nice surprise. Oh, thank you very much. The keychain is wonderful, I have it on my keys. And the CD is wonderful too. The game is very funny. You are very handy. I have respect for you. I can´t forget thank you for small letter from you. It´s very nice. So that all I think. :-)
Richard Stapp wrote:
I read and enjoyed your story. The devil puzzle was a nice touch. Did you use real Arabic letters? I am looking forward to your next story. I think some day I will be buying a book by Katie Fleming.
Chris Holwell wrote:
Hi Katie! In just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed your new story! I have eagerly awaited "Perilous Paradise" and have not been disappointed! Your stories get better and better. Congratulations!!!!!
George wrote:
Hiya Katie Just back from Babylon and the hanging gardens. Great adventure to the top and it was a wonderful moment when Lara turned the water on. Thanks for the link!
Shayne wrote:
Katie, I have to say that I loved your new story "Perilous Pardaise", I am one of the people on your mailing list so I got to read it before it came out. I think this is your best story yet, the story line was so good I read the whole story in one sitting. It was great, hope you make more stories.
Deymin wrote:
You looked really great on the DVD. *-* I just thought :"Wow! Nice nice!" I know, this sounds funny, but I am serious. You look great and your really awesome. I think I watched the DVD for three times. :-) I hope I see you next time Keep smiling
Daniel wrote:
Perilous Paradise is un put downable, I had to know what was going to happen next. And its by far one of the best stories yet from Katie. Her others stories were great but they don't compare to Perilous Paradise. You can see that she has improved with each great stroy that she writes. This is another one of my favorite stories, next to The Evil House.
Shayne wrote:
I loved your story "Perilous Paradise"! I think it is your best story yet, it hos a great story and was full of action. Look foward to your next story.
Anna Brzeska wrote:
Hi Katie, I just read your latest story, Perilous Paradise. May I say that you have captured Lara’s personality and idiosyncrasies extremely well! Good work, and keep writing! Cheers
anarchist_tomato wrote:
Well I watched the special disc and when the fans section came up in the Documentary, I almost spilled my drink! I said, "holy crap, I know her!!!" :D
Shayne wrote:
Katie, I think your stories are the best! They are the best Tomb Raider stories I have ever read! Even though I've only read up to "Sweat, Strength, and Determination" it is my favorite so far, I see why it won an award. I love how you give so much detail in your stoies and I hope you keep writing them. I also think it would be a great idea if you wrote a Tomb Raider book, I would buy it the second it came out.
Don wrote:
Hey there Katie, firstly I just wanted to say congratulations on your marvellous stories! They are truly enjoyable and inspirational to me. :D I also wanted to congratulate you on your accomplishments with your fan fiction. I think that is truly wonderful! I recently came across your site and was surprised at how well your stories have done. I personally had not read any at the time or even heard of you. I know it's sad, but I am so glad that I do now. :D Thanks for being such a huge inspiration!
Lee wrote:
I love you website, its really good and the screenshots are absolutly fantastic!!! Your stories are excelllent and deserve to published.
Kelsey wrote:
I'mm 11 years old from england big croft fan. Your stories are wonderful and in a few years time probly your will be made into a game
Blair Farrell wrote:
First of all I want to give a shout out to fellow Canadian Katie Fleming. Katie was interviewed for the retrospective because her website is one of the most popular fan sites for the franchise. I haven't gotten around to reading her work yet, but she has written fan fiction that has garnered the attention of once-upon-a-time TR developer Core and even had some of her work published in comic book form. The interview also shows her home made TR movie, which looked pretty faithful to the series.
I just finished watching the Gametap retrospective where I saw your interview portion. I just got here so I have yet to read your work (but I will). I just wanted to congratulate you on all you've done and I'm very impressed with all you've done. I liked the clip of the movie you filmed, very true to character, maybe more so than the actual movie. I guess you get this a lot but keep up the good work.
Rachel wrote:
Congratulations!! I saw the documentry you are in on Gametap! It was fantastic to see someone just as talented as you! Congratulations again for you fine effort over all of these years!
David Edwards wrote:
Hi Katie, i just purchased the Tomb Raider AE that was released today, watched the documentary and thought i'd pop over to read one of your stories, I've read the first one and very well writen. I'm writing this just to congradulate you, in a small way you've been imortalized in the Tomb Raider world, something to be very proud of :)
Rick Cole wrote:
Hi there Katie - I'd like to just start off by saying it's great to see such an accomplished fiction writer getting the credit she deserves for her work ! Kudos to you for that!
raider_001 wrote:
Into TR and hot, can i have your number sorry, i calls em like i see's em.
Katie: Umm, how about my e-mail instead? ;)
Anthony Dembek wrote:
Saw your work on the gametap webisode. Had to check out the site. Incredible work. You are a great talent.
Simone wrote:
I have read you're stories and I would like to thank you enormeously for what you are doing. I'm 15 and hoping to lead an art career and after reading your fan fiction and your own personal revealings of how it all started, you've truly inspired me to gather to courage in putting to base my own ideas. You have truly set me on a journey everyone else denyed me from taking. Thank you for doing what you are doing and going to the trouble of making sure the rest of us enjoy your work. Your stories are the best and I truly hope they will become as popular as ever in the near future...I hope you will always follow your dreams.
Chris Holwell wrote:
I just saw you on the gametap website! They uploaded the new episode today its so cool they put you on first coz your the most successful! its so cool! They talk how successful your website is and then you read a part from one of the stories. Then it says about the competition you won. After that you speak about your stories and then there was a part about a lara film you did. I never knew that! Its way cool
Richard wrote:
Just watched your video interview on Game Tap. It was nice to put a live person with the email. With all your new fans that this will generate you will need a staff. Looks like it may get crowded at home. Thanks for the offer of help. I will probably need it at some point. All the best for your hobby/career.
April wrote:
Katie, you stories are simply amazing- thee best! I love your style of writing, and the way you portray Lara. The action never stops, so I never lose interest! You should write a book - it would be published in a second! I've read all your stories, and my favorites are: -The Search for Delphi -Sweat, Strength, and Determination -A New World - a New Life
The Strenuous Escapade, and Premonotions are amazing stories too! Love the ending in The Strenuous Escapade! It left me hanging, and I kept checking back for the next story to see what would happen! Love the cool inventive titles too!
Lauren wrote:
I loved the awesome death scene at the end, even though Lara died I still loved it. Ithought it was a very good finishing touch to your great story!
Katie note: Read the next story ;)
Michael wrote:
Katie, your stories are simply the best tomb raider stories out there. I've read the published books and they just don't have the right feel for Lara. Then there's the other fan fiction, I just browsed through some at Planet Lara, it's awful! Keep writing and I and thousands of others will keep reading!
(Name not given) wrote:
I've just read "The Strenuous Escapade" it was really good, it had me glued i think your stories are amazing!
Nat wrote:
Hello Katie! My name is Nat and I'm 14 years old! I'm a huge fan of your stoies! I want to be a book writter but I guess it'll be hard as I'm from Russia and English is not my main language. Well, anyways I wonder why you don't write books. Well maybe you do .. ( you tell me. ) Hey, I even did a presentation in class about my favorite hobby! So my favorite hobby is reading ( after I read your stories hehe! ) Well I also talked about your wonderful tomb raider stories in class! It was awesome!!! Thank you for your attention! With love, Nat!
Shanna wrote:
hey katie i was on your site when i saw that if you still wanted a signed copy of your new comic to write you well that is what i am doing. i would love to have another great story done by you.
Hannah wrote:
Your stories are amazing! If you want to direct the third TR movie, you have my vote!
Christina wrote:
Hello, I just discovered your site a few days ago and read the story of "The Evil House." It was great. You defiantly should continue to write. Especially if it is your hobby. I am looking forward to reading the other stories you have written about Lara. I am sure the others will exceed my expectations.
Matthew wrote:
hi katie i wanted to ask you if you could send me one of youre storys signed by you im a big fan of youres and i really want one i love your storys so if you could please e-mail me back
Andrew wrote:
My name is Andrew, and I just want to congratulate you, on your awesome webpage. I have been a fan of Tomb Raider, and Lara Croft, since the first game released, and remain a hardcore Raider fan, to this day. So, the fansite you have made is awesome. I really like your stories as well, i have read all of them, and they are awesome. I'm a fiction writer myself, i have published any of my work yet, but, i have been told that I should, have publishers look at what i have done. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for all the work that you put into your site, and let you know, it doesn't go unnoticed.
Nigel wrote:
I've just read your latest story, Premonitions, and I must say I've loved it. It is, at least to me, the best I've read from your stories, and shows a definite improvement in writing style. It is realistic, but not to the point that it becomes monotonous, and Lara is as quick and witty as ever. The quickening of pace in the dangerous situations is also very effective so that you can almost feel the tension.
Damian wrote:
I've read all of your stories and i've loved every one, you are the best writer on the net! please write anew story soon.
Jen wrote:
Enjoyed all the stories keep them coming, thanks!
Brook wrote:
Hey I just got done reading your latest storie: Premonitions and I loved it! You did an excelent job on it! I can't wait till the next one. You ROCK!! You are one of my most favorite writers. I hope you keep on writing forever!
Rachel wrote:
these storys are great you did a fantastic job on these storys! i hope you continue these epic,heartstopping beautifully constuced storys!
Chris wrote:
I was one of the lucky competitions winners and after receiving my story (Premonitions) through the post i couldn't read it fast enough! I read most of it the day i got it and finished the rest the next day i couldn't stop reading!I could picture everything in my head and even started getting a headache when Lara did after she was stranded at sea lol! I got really into the story and i couldn't turn the pages fast enough, to read what was going to happen next. Your stories have really inspired me and im going to start writing a book of my own although im not sure what it will be about yet lol. Premonitions was my favourite story and im going to read it again after typing this! Thank you Katie!!
(Name not given) wrote:
i knew i knew the name katie fleming from somewhere. and you really are katie from the awesome fanfics? aaahhhh you're my hero! i loved sweat, strength and determination! i love you forever! (ok that's a bit too much) ^__^ but i do like the fics you write
George wrote:
Enjoyed this one immensely. Nice plot and exciting narrative.
Kurtis Trent wrote:
I've read it. It really was fantastic. I loved your descrition, I couldn't stop reading for a second!!! Every charecter was perfectly made, and the storyline was phenominal. Well done Katie!!!
David wrote:
The SE [Stren. Escapade] was great! I couldn't stop reading when I got the got the prize in the mail! Thanks for the great prize!
Harry OK wrote:
I loved the Strenuous Escape!!!! You did really well on this one! The charecters - perfect! The storyline - incredible! I read it all in one sitting, I could not stop reading it!!! Three cheers for Katie! Hip hip! Horay! Hip hip! Horay! Hip hip! Horay!
Stefan wrote:
I really enjoyed this Tomb Raider book because it had a lot more Tomb Raider style unlike 'Run-and Don't Stop!' Though i thought it had too much of the last three levels of Chronicles. Other than that i thought it was your best! KEEP WRITING AND RAID ON!!
Dale Tucker wrote:
I loved all of these stories.... To tell you the truth these should be the films rather than the rubbish ones.. Should i make The Movies movies of them !? Contact me... Please :P
KatieRules7834 wrote:
I've read all the stories, and I'm also looking forward towards the tenth!!!! These are the best fan fiction stories I'VE EVER read, and that's the honest truth. Hopefully, this time, Lara won't be in a tangled web!!!!!! Fan of TR, Katie, and Stella 4 Life
Richard wrote:
"You are such a wonderful writer-i actually got scared when i read run- and dont stop"..."I think you truly are the next J.K. Rowling"..."please write more stories about Tomb Raider.
Naughtydog wrote:
"I just finished reading "The Evil House"...Amazing, is a good word to start with cause you had me glued to the screen until the end! The story unfolds in a fast way that keeps the action and the adrenaline at a high level, unlike other writers who are being too descriptive and ruin the whole mood. My fav parts are, the one with the words on the button changing, and the one that Lara discovers that Campobello was kidnapped when she was in the tunnel. It is truly wonderful how you describe Lara's movements; she's alive! And those horror scenes with blood, and eyes popping out of their sockets!" "...That's a really, really amazing story you have there, and I'm looking forward to read the other ones. Keep up the good work."
Croft28 wrote:
"...You have written Lara very well, you describe her movements and attitude very close to the game, the other thing I also liked was the way you wrote the story, it was as if I was playing a level and in some parts really wanted to see what was behind the next door which was good because it kept me reading."
another_tomb_raider_fan wrote:
"I liked the way Katie explained things, like you can actually understand what was going on. The Tr novel had some problems with that one! But the baddies died too fast I think. I liked how ya kept her house the same, with the aquariam n' stuff. Overal it was enjoyable and I can't wait for the next one!!!"
Susie wrote:
"I thought the story was very interesting and imaginative, quite scary and also funny in places. It was also very gory - the Shadow was certainly one evil entity!!! It shows a great overall observation of Lara and the Tomb Raider games - you've certainly done your homework there - it's almost like playing a Tomb Raider game. Well done, keep up the good work!"
Rustin wrote:
"The story was great. Very well explained. I liked the way you explained every movement Lara did. I just think she liked her grenade launcher too much. I don't know why, but it kept me reading. I downloaded it, intending not to read it on that moment, to read it later, but I started reading, and I only stopped when I was finished. It was cool."
Werner Von Braun wrote:
"Thanks for sending the story Katie, I just read it (nightime) and it scared the @#$% out of me. You have alot of talent. Very good story..."
Gary wrote:
"Well Katie what I can say, the story is fantastic. It's compelling, original, dark and perfect for adventure with you keeping very loyal to Lara and her behavioural patterns. There was also humour, of a dark nature in the use of "fingers" to destroy the shadow. References to the game fitted in and it was the right legnth, not an epic and not a synopsis. My advice to you would be to keep writing fantasy/adventure stories. Whilst you have it set around Tomb Raider, your style of writing could be used for many different stories with slight changes to characters and destinations. Well done again for what is a credible piece of literature that you should be very proud of."
Justin wrote:
"Katie, your work is fantastic. Keep sending it in!"
NewRaider34 wrote:
"Just think of all the people that are going to read your stories! Maybe even publishers...hmm...could there be a series of Tomb Raider books on the way???"
rxav358 wrote:
"Katie, I loved your story, it was very cool! Wow, Katie you have a GREAT imagination!!! Keep on writing!!!"
Natla wrote:
"I love your story Katie! You are very talented."
Naughtydog wrote:
"Just finished "Revenge of the Aztec Gods", and thought 'that's how I like it!'. Simplicity, rawness, and passion are perfectly balanced throughout the whole story. It feels more mature and cinematic! Straight from the beginning I have still got images spinning in my mind like the sequence of Albert waiting for Lara to get into the plane, or later when they grab the parachutes and go down. Yet again, the action is fast and that keeps the reader in suspense. Just like playing TR for real. What a bloody good level could that be! The gore level is high as well and I love that. I also noticed something similar with the previous story; someone dies in the end. That's a gooood thing! I'm not a fan of extremly happy (and fake) endings. Overall, it was really a pleasure to read and I'm looking forward to reading the next."
Gary wrote:
"Considering your age and experience you have certainly got a gift for creative writing. You have managed to stick within the parameters of Lara's behaviour whilst mixing in original storylines. It would be much easier, and also more boring if you just stuck with slight changes in existing storylines, but you don't for which we must applaud you. As well as the creative ingredients you have also managed to keep the size of the stories small enough that you can add the details from teh games withough going OTT and boring the reader with facts. Your knowledge of Lara and how she works is instantly recognisable in your stories and again you adhere to the important parameters that the gmae sets. The stories are easy to read, not simple, but flowing and well constructed with enough action to keep occupied but not too much so that you might get confused. Well done for three excellent stories that are a credit to the character created here at Core Design."
Naughtydog wrote:
"Well, I'm speechless...I've just read the last line of "Lara's Mansion - Death Trap?", and my head still aches from all the agony I've been through! A plethora of images and sounds 'jump' out of the text and give you the impression you're watching a movie. Oh, those sounds! "Waah! Ooh, ooh, waah!" Never 'seen' sounds before so perfectly rendered through plain words, I have to admit you're a GENIUS! I also noticed quite a few elements from the games, and that shows your loyalty and respect to what 'Tomb Raider' is. You have a great talent, and I think you should consider doing that professionally in the future."
Anna wrote:
"If I could rate you site from 1-100, I'll give it 101. Actually, I want to add my comment about your stories. From the moment I opened the link, my nose just stuck infront the computer and doesn't let go. The stories are so real that you just feel Lara and feel Lara's adventures. I liked the stories about the Revenge of the Aztec Gods and The Evil House. Those stories are just the rock!"
Seul Desir wrote:
That story was something different! I love the end bit about the trampoline: genius. The whole plot line was extremely creative, especially the injections of fish scales! Very nice indeed. It was obvious that Lara would win, but you turned the obvious into something interesting, and that is what writing is all about. I think you truly achieved making a story that is compelling and exciting. (Sweat, Strength, and Determination)
Bonita wrote:
"...The Moulan Rouge comes to mind when i read your work, because its so energetic, stage like and completly random (compliment) like when Lara sets up a mini movie for a job or something and sudeenly all these stunt men appear and Wiston is on the roof doing the narative..."
Lorz wrote:
"OMG!!! i loved your stories so much! i had lots of fun reading them, and i cant wait to start reading the others i havent read yet!! i have to say i eagerly awaited returning to your site just to read your latest!! i loved the way you allowed lara to be her, adventurous yet sarcastic self and kurtis add a little humor to the tale!!please keep writing (preferably including your funny view of kurtis!) and i cant wait until your next release!!" "i just finished reading "search for delphi"! i loved it! i have to say i -"Ooohed and Aaahed over it for sometime"- !! (lol!) wow they are all so brill! i looked all over your website for a profile about you (age, where you live, lara hobbys ect!) but i couldnt find one! because i am intruiged at how young (or maybe old!) you may be, because you have awsome talent writing such amazing stories! i guess you have achieved an A* grade in English!!"
Rose wrote:
"Just to say I very much enjoyed reading your Tomb Raider stories Katie. You really have a talent and I'd love to buy your published stories. Reading the stories is like actually playing one of the TR games, you've really captured Lara and you describe it all so well. Can't wait for the next story."
Another fan wrote:
"I dunno how you did it, but the stories make me feel like I'm veiwing what Lara is doing or what is happening around her, like I'm in her body, veiwing what she is seeing. I wanna read more, I read them all, MORE STORIES!"
Matheus wrote:
"I've read "Lara's Mansion - Death Trap?" and I loved it. What a wild imagination you have! When I finished reading it my head was acheing because of all the stuff that were going through my mind. It's fantastic the way that you make people feel when they're reading you stories. It feels just like you're there "in the story" with Lara. When I read "Lara's Mansion - Death Trap?" my adrenaline poped UP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep writing!"
Liana wrote:
"I love your stories and I am catching up to everything. Good luck with the comic story."
Matheus wrote:
"You should be very proud of yourself, your stories are fantastic and VERY WELL WRITTEN. No wonder some of your stories are being published. GOOD LUCK!"
Sabrina wrote:
"Congrads with getting one of your stories published that must feel really good. I read one of your stories "Run and Don't Stop" and I must say that was a really good story and I mean I was glued on the screen through the whole thing."
Chris wrote:
"I read that Sweat, Strength and Determination won a competition so I read it and boy was I impressed! I havn't read any of the others yet but I expect they will all be just as good. I just wanted to congratulate you on you're amazing stories... or story in my case. Anyway, congrats!"
still_x2 wrote:
"Keep up the good work! Thank you for all the time you have give to this.Best of Luck"
Katie wrote:
"I loved your stories! There were tons better than other tomb raider tales. I liked they way you added details about the setting, and the not-wanted details about the dead bodies in S,S,D."
Singr wrote:
"I wanted to post a huge CONGRATULATIONS, and tell you that this is really awesome news! Your writing is amazing, and compels me to keep reading endlessly. I am completely drawn in by your plots, and the delivery of the lines. We're SO proud of you! "You go, GIRL!!"
Wil wrote :
"I really, really liked Search For Delphi, the imagination was, just...I can't explain it, really. The way you incorporated the story with Set and made his sister and the board game and the traps! It was all very good, can't wait to read the next one!" "I read "A New World, A New Life," and I was absolutely amazed. The imagination you put into it was astounding! I loved the laser eye-patch, the robots, the school and the whole Bermuda Triangle idea, it was all very creative! I'm reading "Run, and Don't Stop" right now and I love it too!"
MysteryRaider wrote :
"Hi Katie! I've read all your stories and their the bomb!!! Can't wait for the next one! What's it going to be like? Something like AOD? Later!
Wil wrote :
"I've also now read "Lara's Mansion-Death Trap?" it was very cool, the way you reminisced on all the old games, I liked the tension on the train, too ;-)"
James wrote :
"Your stories are impressive. Have you thought about submitting them for publication?"
Gexto wrote :
"I've only read "The Evil House" but I thought it was excellent! A lot of people would probably just copy something from one of the games. I intend to read all of the stories! Well done, I enjoy writing myself and I have to say you're very good, keep at it! ;-)"
Adnan wrote :
"Man I just can't belive :) Katie is an amazing person and a friend to and a writer 3 things all in one :))) and I wish her to write the whole game and work for Eidos and tr 8 :))) because 7 will be soon with us i think :)"
Dil_amir wrote :
"hi your stories are great-i read 3 stories in a day and the other in the night-your first story-THE EVIL HOUSE-was a little scary you know--the blood and stuff--okay Katie please dont stop writing your stories-i love them..."
Alyssa wrote:
"I did get the chance to read all of your Tombraider fan fiction stories and I found them to be quite interesting. You have great talent in writing. The stories were very adventuresome, suspensful and unpredictable, and reflected on Lara very accurately. Bravo! Please continue to write and work on your site. You have done well."
Soph wrote:
"The stories are soooo coool! There exciting, mind throbbing, funny scary and have that perfect dose of action!Up to now, i've only read up to Search for Delphi, and I have to say, that one is my favourate.Continue writing Katie!!!"
Nigel wrote:
"I've read all of your stories... and I loved them all. What struck me most is that you actually bring Lara to life..... something which the game didn't do for me,probably because I only considered it a game. Perhaps it's because you show her from a different point of view. The detail of setting and actions really take you in the story itself, almost as if you're there."
Laura Broadwater wrote:
"Awesome fics! The images that your choice of words have created are breathtaking, and your words are well chosen. I have read all of your stories. I especially enjoyed Run and Don't Stop. Gruesome, but very enjoyable. You're quite a good writer."
Xian wrote:
"I finished reading it! Wow, I loved the plot twist at the end! The whole thing was brilliantly done. All the imagery was really really good. I thought the bit with the broken glass that floated was really clever. Loved the surprise with the wrong elephant, LoL. Well done, you should give yourself a massive pat on the back on that one. I hope you continue to right and bring us another sometime!"
blinked wrote:
"You keep your stories so interesting even though everyone aren't such action fans (not pointing myself)! My friend who had criticized Lara Croft and Tomb Raider games a _lot_ found a new hobbie; reading your stories 24/7 and through that also found out how great the games are too. Thx and keep on writing, who knows someday you'll release a LC book:)"
Lil' Devil wrote:
"OMG, Katie, you're such a good writer! My jaw almost got sepparated from my head when I read your stories! So creative, so well decribed, so... words are useless when it comes to your writing. And the way you put Kurtis in your story! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! You should write a book, I'm sure it'd be a best-seller :D"
lorz wrote:
"I just finished reading "search for delphi"! i loved it! i have to say i -"Ooohed and Aaahed over it for sometime"- !! (lol!) wow they are all so brill! You have awsome talent writing such amazing stories! i guess you have achieved an A* grade in English!!"
foxy3579 wrote:
"OMG!!! i loved your stories so much! i had lots of fun reading them, and i cant wait to start reading the others i havent read yet!! i have to say i eagerly awaited returning to your site just to read your latest!! i loved the way you allowed lara to be her, adventurous yet sarcastic self and kurtis add a little humor to the tale!!please keep writing (preferably including your funny view of kurtis!) and i cant wait until your next release!!"
Rosemary Pollock wrote:
"I've just read a bit of "Lara's Mansion - Death Trap" and I could really visualise it, it was fantastic!. You've really inspired me to write my own Lara Croft tale, probably based on TR3: GOLD levels because TR3: GOLD is my favourite Tomb raider! also hope the rest of your stories are published."
Lewis Macdonald wrote:
"Hi Katie, When I first read one of your stories (Lara's Mansion-Death Trap?) I was totally absorbed. I just couldn't stop until my Dad yelled at me to get off the computer. Love your stories; keep writing!"
Dark Yuki wrote:
"I think all your stories are craving for the senses especially " A New Word, A New Life." and "Sweat, Strength and Determination." which was worthy for that first place :). I haven't really finished reading all your stories but I will. I think the words are fantastic and exquisite in each of your stories."
Dark Yuki wrote:
"Thanks for the luck! So #9 eh, man you truly are ingenious in your ability to craft...Might I repeat I LOVE ALL of ur stories especially "A New World, A New Life." it was truly great for a screenwrite.
Lee Kussman wrote:
"Wow, what can I say? I completely love reading your pieces! They're just the right length and have a fantastic element of escapism, which I think is really valuable. I haven;t been reading them in any particular order, but so far, I really like 'Run - and Don't Stop'. So if you do actually read this, kudos to you and keep up the great work!"
Emily wrote:
"OMG your stories are so cool! i've always wanted to find novels on Lara Croft and i couldnt find any but now that you've provided all these stories i wouldnt have to worry anymore. Just to let you know, you should take this as a serious career and make more stories for your fans like me to read! Ciao. Ps. PLZ make more stories!!!
Daniel Sherwood:
Here's Daniel with his favourite story, The Evil House.