Sleeping with the Fishes - Third Pool - Sea Cave with Crane and Submarines

This area is also shown in a diagram included in the main walkthrough.

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Swim forward and up into the funnel-like structure made of yellow metal...

Lost Artifact screenshot surface inside the CRANE CONTROL ROOM. Climb out of the water and save the game if you like, but don't go for the items near the window yet unless you're desperate for supplies. Assuming you have enough harpoons, here's the easiest way I've found to deal with the next 2 enemies:

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Step forward toward the window to trigger the descent of a yellow submersible in the cave outside.

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Then hop back into the pool.

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Swim down through the funnel then forward toward the cave where the sub came down.

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If you're quick, you can take up a good position about halfway between the funnel and the sub before the 2 scuba divers arrive. The first diver swims toward you from the far right side of the cave. Wait until Lara takes aim or you'll waste harpoons. When you see her target the first diver, hold the Action button just long enough to fire 4 harpoons.

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That should take care of the diver. Lara will then reload.

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Wait for the second diver to emerge from behind the sub and repeat the process. Wait for the diver to come close enough so Lara auto-aims at him.

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Swim to the left or right to dodge his harpoons if necessary. Then fire 4 harpoons at him. You only need 8 harpoons to kill both divers, but it's easy to miss, especially if you move while shooting, so a few extra may be needed.

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Once both divers are dead, turn around...

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...and swim back up the funnel into the control room.

NOTES: If the second diver takes too long to approach, and your air supply gets low, swim back up into the control room to breathe. If you're out of harpoons, you can swim toward the sub, lure the divers up into the funnel, and then shoot them with pistols or Uzis. This can take time and waste health, though, since the divers can also shoot at Lara from below.

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