Kingdom - Underground Cave with Pools of Water and Gold Part 2

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Take a running jump from the slightly raised stone block down to the small, square ledge on the left side of the golden pool.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Turn right and take a running jump to the alcove with the shotgun shells.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
After picking up the shells, roll and take another running jump back to the previous ledge.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Move carefully into the next room, where there's another pool of molten gold with several angled blocks in it. Position Lara at the edge of the pool on the right side of the ledge. Take a standing jump forward onto the sloping back side of the block in front of you. Immediately jump again to spring off the slope and land on the flat spot in the far right corner.

[Part 1 | Return to the Kingdom Walkthrough]