The Cold War - Second Chasm with Two Ramps

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
Step up onto the snowy ledge overlooking the chasm.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
There are 2 mercenaries below, one on the left and one on the right end of the chasm. Go for the one on the left first. It may take a little while, since he runs in and out of the cave. Get a lock on him with the pistols or M16 and hold the Fire button.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
When the first mercenary falls, walk up the snowy ledge toward the right end. From there, you should be able to kill the guy in white down below.

Tomb Raider Golden Mask screenshot
You may also be able to target a third mercenary on the roof of the building above the white-suited guy. If not, don't worry; you'll have another chance shortly.

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