Sanctuary of the Scion - Metal Scarab Puzzle

The entire subterranean pool sequence is also shown in this video walkthrough.

This puzzle is fairly straightforward. Use manual aim with regular pistols to shoot each of the 4 metal scarabs on the wall until it is pointing in the same direction as the corresponding scarab carved on the floor. That is, the top left scarab's head should point to the left, the top right scarab's head should point downward, the bottom right scarab to the right, and the bottom left scarab upward. When all four are oriented correctly, the gate above will open.

To use manual aim mode, press Z on the PC or R3 (the right stick button) on the PS2. For more info, see the Anniversary Controls page. In the screenshot above, the game is in manual aim mode. The red reticle indicates a target you can shoot.

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