Summit Forest - Southwest Side Collectibles - Part 1

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Continue south along the boundary wall until you come to a small, elevated hut. Move past it for now.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Ahead (to the south) you'll find a deer carcass lying near a tree. Just beyond it is another mushroom (8/10) for the challenge.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
There are also more arrows leaning against a tree between the elevated hut and the bridge made of metal wreckage.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped pole holding up the wooden hut. When Lara yanks on the rope, it tilts the hut to one side.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Now you can scramble up into it.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Turn around and jump to grab the rocky ledge jutting out directly ahead.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Pull up to find a GPS cache (2/5) hidden among some small mushrooms.

[Part 2 | Return to the Summit Forest Walkthrough]