Shipwreck Beach - Out to the Galleon and Back - Part 1

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Now return back down the slope toward the boat with Lara's friends. Turn left (south) and head toward the pier and the wrecked galleon off in the distance.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Hop across the gap between the cement dock and the wooden pier.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Move forward to the next gap and look ahead to the left to spot an ancient, iron mine (1/10) floating in the sea. It's round with spikes sticking out of it.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Use Survival Instinct if necessary. The mine will glow, making it easy to see.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Shoot it until it explodes (two arrows or bullets should do the trick). This unlocks the Mine Sweeper Challenge: destroy 10 mines for bonus XP.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Continue along the pier, jumping across the gaps, until you reach the cement structure with the crane on top.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Ignore the yellow ladder for now and go around it to the far side.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Look out at the ocean. There are a couple of mines off in the distance to the left (east), but they're too far away to shoot. You'll get closer to them later. The one straight ahead (almost due south), shown in the screenshot above, is within reach. Again, use Survival Instinct if you need help spotting it. Then shoot the mine (2/10) it until it explodes.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Go back around to the other side of the crane and climb the yellow ladder to the metal ledge above.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Vault up onto the ledge above and crack open the salvage crate. (You can also get a good shot at the second mine from here if you missed it. It's circled in the screenshot above.)

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then slide down the zip line.

[Part 2 | Return to the Shipwreck Beach Walkthrough]