Summit Forest - Stormguard Sanctum Challenge Tomb - Part 2

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Pick up more arrows if you need them and turn to face the climbing wall on the far side of the cave.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Use Survival Instinct if necessary to get a clearer view.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Use a fire arrow to light the lantern in the cave opening above the climbing wall...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
...and another to burn away the pile of debris blocking the opening.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Then step out onto the jutting beam.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Jump toward the climbing wall and press Interact to latch on with your axe.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Climb to the top.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Follow the short passage to the treasure chest. Open it for 1250 XP, plus 250 salvage points and the Summit Forest Relic Map, which reveals both relic and documents in the area on your in-game map.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Follow the tunnel back to the opening overlooking the camp. To get down, either hang from the edge and drop, taking a bit of damage, which Lara will quickly regenerate; or, jump over to the jutting beam and drop from there. Use the camp if you like. Then follow the tunnel back to the main area.

[Part 1 | Return to the Summit Forest Walkthrough]