Research Base - Elevator/Lift Shaft Puzzle - Part 3

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Use the console on LEVEL 4 to call the elevator.

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As the elevator rises, jump down onto it.

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Run across it, jump through the hole you just made, and then latch onto the climbing wall with your axe.

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Climb upward and to the left. Jump past the corner to latch onto the next section of climbable wall.

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Continue climbing to the left until you can drop down on the metal ledge with the salvage crate. Get the salvage.

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Then use your axe to pry off the third gear.

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Instead of jumping back to the climbing wall, drop down off the ledge onto the walkway below and follow it back around to the LEVEL 3 landing.

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Jump straight up to grab the ladder above the console.

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Climb onto the ledge above and pry off the fourth gear with your axe.

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Now that you've removed all four gears, the elevator crashes down to the bottom of the shaft, and you receive a reward of 100 XP.

[Part 2 | Return to the Research Base Walkthrough]