Mountain Base - Non-Believer Banner #4

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Go through the doorway on the far wall, opposite the entrance and below the graffiti that reads, "Embrace the Flames." In this little control room, you'll find a salvage crate, pistol ammo and another banner (4/5) for the Non-Believer challenge.

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You could go all the way back to the bathroom for some fire, but that's not necessary. There's a closer source. Exit this room, turn right and go up the stairs.

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There's a flaming barrel at the top, but before lighting your torch, ready a weapon.

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When you take a few steps into the hallway, another Solarii drops through the grate on the ceiling to your right. Shoot him.

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Then light the torch at the barrel...

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...and return downstairs and left...

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into the little control room with the challenge banner.

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Set it on fire. Then pick up the goodies if you didn't do so before.

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