Chasm Monastery - Himiko's Tomb

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
After the cut scene, in which Lara alternatively despises and adores tombs—can you really blame her, though? yuck!—a band of Solarii drop down through the holes in the ceiling and attack. If you can shoot some of them off the ropes as they descend, they'll fall and die. Arrows, pistol or SMG work fine for this.

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Six of these guys just have axes and machetes so you can also wait and shoot them as they come to you.

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The shotgun is especially handy at close range.

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The last guy has a rifle, though, so either take him out quickly...

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...or use the sarcophagus for cover until you can nail him with a headshot. After the fight, remember to loot the bodies for salvage and extra ammo.

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As you gather the goodies, one of the Oni tosses a Solarii straggler down into the room. Steal his stuff as well since he's no longer using it.

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To get out of this room, stand with the hanging bell between Lara and the barred doors.

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Shoot a rope arrow into the bell to start it swinging so it crashes through the doors.

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Go through and enter the low tunnel beyond. Follow it to the Sheltered Alcove Day Camp, where you can take a breather.

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