Base Exterior - Hillside Combat - Part 1

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Advance cautiously up the road beyond the bridge. If you run to the top, more enemies will appear than you can probably handle at once. If you wait near the bottom, you can draw them out a few at a time. Start by inching out to the right just a little bit from the end of the bridge. You don't even need to go as far as the pile of sandbags on the left side of the road. From here you can probably pick off 2 archers with your bow.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Sometimes they will hide behind the low obstacles set up along the sides of the path.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Often one stays up on the roof. If this happens, take aim, wait for them to peer out and try to use your bow to get a headshot.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
Move a little farther out to trigger the appearance of a third soldier with 2 machetes. This enemy type tends to charge you rather than hiding, so either try and take him down fast, using the pistol if necessary, or shoot him in the legs (as shown above) to disable him...

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
...and then finish him off.

TOMB RAIDER screenshot
There's a box of rifle/SMG ammo near the low cement wall on the right side of the path and a fruit plant just beyond this wall.

[Part 2 | Return to the Base Exterior Walkthrough]