Croft Manor - Relic

The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Behind the grating to the right of the small block, you'll see the RELIC. Right now the bars won't open, but you'll fix that shortly.

I recommend that you leave the wooden pole here near the relic, so you'll remember where it is when you need it.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Pick up the small block and carry it to the far end of the hallway. Press the Crouch button to drop the block onto the pressure pad.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Return along the hallway, past the relic, the way you came. At the end, where you found the first aid kit earlier, turn left and go straight on, past the stairs on your right, into a LARGE ROOM WITH STAINED GLASS WINDOWS.

Along with a several interesting switches and levers that don't quite work yet, you'll find another small block just inside on the left. Pick it up and carry it back to the pressure pad.

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
With both blocks in place, the gate stays open. Hurrah!

Tomb Raider Underworld screenshot
Now return along the hallway. After placing the weights on the pad, the bars in front of the RELIC are also open. Duck through the low opening and grab it now.

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