Thames Wharf - Building Opposite the Level Start (part 2)

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Enter the building and turn left. Go around the corner and take a standing jump across the gap onto the nearest ledge.

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Do not run forward onto the breakaway tile. It's a long way down! Try to shoot the 2 rats on the wide ledge on the other side of the room, since that's where you're headed next.

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This jump can be a little tricky. It may help to step onto the cracked tile and then hop back before it falls out from under you. Once the tile is gone, it's easier to set up the jump.

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Stand at the corner of the ledge and angle Lara just to the right of the wall that protrudes from the left. (It's outlined in the screenshot above.) Hop back once, and then take a running jump to grab the edge of the wide ledge. Pull up and finish off the rats if necessary.

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Go through the doorway in the right corner.

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Follow the hallway, subdue the mercenary at the end, and take his FLUE ROOM KEY.

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Return to the ledge with the dead rats. Move to the left end of the ledge, overlooking the open room. Then turn around, drop, and hang from the edge.

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Let go and grab the thin, metal ledge below.

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Pull up and press the button to open a trapdoor near the entrance.

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Drop to the ledge below...

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...and crawl under the low overhang to get some harpoons.

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Safety drop to the ground and pick up a small medi pack in the rubble from the broken tile, plus some flares in one corner, and a save/power-up crystal in the depression behind the low wall.

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Press the button to open the trapdoor at the top of the grating ladder and climb up.

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Jump from the ledge with the dead rats to grab the horizontal crevice on the left wall.

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Traverse to the right and drop onto the ledge below the open trapdoor. Then turn around, pull up onto the ledge near the entrance, and exit the way you came in.

[Part 1 | Return to the Thames Wharf Walkthrough]