Madubu Gorge - Longer Route Downriver (part 5) - Caves Behind the Waterfall

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Climb up through the doorway.

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Pick up the small medi pack on the left.

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Move carefully past the poisoned dart trap on the right. (Crawling helps.)

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Slide down the ramp into another cave.

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Step out onto the ledge overlooking a pool with a wooden bridge and turn left. Jump up to grab the handholds on the ceiling. Monkey swing forward to the wall, then let go. Cross the bridge to get the save/power-up crystal. (Be careful not to fall into the piranha-infested pool.)

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Return to where you dropped down a moment ago, jump up to grab the ceiling again, and monkey swing back toward the entrance.

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Then make a U-turn to the left...

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...and continue swinging along the ceiling to the opposite wall. Drop down onto the sloping ledge below. Then climb up into the doorway.

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Crawl through to a ledge high above the water.

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Turn left and take a running jump across the gap to grab the rock ladder.

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Climb to the top. On the left is an opening leading down to a pool with a kayak. If you don't care about getting all secrets, you can go that way now. (Pick up the main walkthrough at the section KAYAK ROOM - HEADING DOWNRIVER.) If you do want the secret, continue with part 6.

[Part 4 | Part 6 | Return to the Madubu Gorge Walkthrough]