Jungle - Multi-Level Room with Spikes and Hollow Tree (part 2)
Secret #4

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Go to the top of the sloping passageway.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
At the top of this sloping passageway is a switch below a boulder. The boulder doesn't roll yet. So you can get the next secret now. Above the switch on the left is a small opening. Stand below it facing the wall and jump straight up to grab the edge. Pull up and crawl inside to find some harpoons and a rocket. This is SECRET #4. After picking up the goodies, crawl backwards toward the opening and hold Action + Back to drop down.

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Pull the switch to open a gate far below. Save the game. Then light a flare so you can see where you're going and start running down the dark slope. As you go, the boulder drops and starts rolling down behind you.

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Keep running. At the bottom of the passageway, veer into the doorway on the right before Lara gets flattened.

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The boulder then comes to rest at the end of the passageway.

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To climb back down, walk to the edge overlooking the multi-level room with the spikes, turn around, and press Back while holding Action to drop and hang from the edge.

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Briefly release and re-press Action to let go and grab the crevice below. Traverse a little to the left and drop down onto the green ledge.

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If you turn around now and draw pistols, you may be able to shoot the tiger that entered the room below when you opened the gate. Your gunshots may scare it off, in which case you can draw it out by dangling Lara from the edge and then pulling up again to shoot. (See "Using Lara as Bait" on the Strategy page if you're unfamiliar with this technique.) Or just wait and finish off the tiger later.

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In any case, don't climb all the way down to the ground yet. Instead, walk back through the spikes toward the passageway with the wall made of gold lattice.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Jungle Walkthrough]