Crash Site - Cave with Switches (part 5)

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Use the third switch.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
This raises the last section of bars up on the ceiling and opens the metal grate on the central structure above and behind you.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Turn around and walk to the edge of the alcove, jump to grab the rock ladder, and climb upward...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
...right, then up a little more into the alcove you just opened.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Turn around and take a carefully angled standing jump from the corner of the alcove near the grate to the long, sloping ledge ahead on the right.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Slide back and grab the edge of the slope.

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
Traverse to the middle of the slope, pull up and immediately backflip...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot
...onto the pillar where the save crystal was. Climb back up to the doorway just as you did before.

[Part 4 | Part 6 | Return to the Crash Site Walkthrough]