Meteorite Cavern - Climbing out of the Cavern (part 2)

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Turn left and jump straight up to grab the handholds on the ceiling.

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Monkey swing across to the stone ledge ahead.

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Move to the end of this ledge and turn right.

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Then take a running jump across the gap to the stone ledge above the crater.

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Walk to the right edge, jump straight up to grab the ledge above, and pull up.

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Turn around and look up to the rim of the cavern to spot a metal block with a red light on its side. Angle Lara toward this block.

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Hop back. Then take a running jump...

Tomb Raider 3 screenshot land on the stone ledge ahead. Climb up out of the cavern onto the snow.

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Turn left and head past the metal block into the snowy tunnel.

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Slide down the slope and continue through the passageway into the compound.

[Part 1 | Return to the Meteorite Cavern Walkthrough]