Aldwych - Red-Lit Room with Stacked Wooden Crates (part 1)

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From the spot where you found the OLD PENNY, go back through the doorway to the dirt-rimmed pit at the bottom of the escalators.

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Safety drop into the pit and follow the train tracks to the right.

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That is, into the tunnel below the room with the "Westbound Trains" signs.

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Run or sprint along the tracks into the doorway on the right to avoid an oncoming train.

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Inside is a room with numerous wooden crates and 2 angry gang members.

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Once you've dealt with the thugs, go up the ramp into the room and pick up the small medi pack behind the crates on the left.

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Then turn around and climb over the crates above the entrance to find a save/power-up crystal in the corner.

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When you climb back out of the depression where you found the crystal, there's a dog waiting just below. Shoot it before hopping down.

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Now take a running jump from the medium-sized crate near the wall to grab the top edge of the tall stack in the corner with the pink metal block above.

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Pull up, turn around, and step to the outer corner of the tall stack. Take a standing jump to grab the left side of the thick, brown ledge above.

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Pull up and claim the UZIS. Then safety drop to the floor.

NOTE: If you already have the guns, you'll get Uzi ammo here instead.

[Part 2 | Return to the Aldwych Walkthrough]