Offshore Rig - Huge Room with Catwalks and Pool Below

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After shooting the 2 scuba divers in the pool below, make your way more or less clockwise around the room via the various catwalks. Start by moving to the left end of the catwalk where you started. Take a running jump to grab the edge of the next walkway; pull up.

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To go the end of this walkway and take another running jump to grab the small platform ahead and a bit to the left; pull up.

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Step back and take a standing jump to the small platform between the column and the wall.

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Draw pistols, sidestep to the left and take out the guy with the gun on the catwalk against the wall.

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Step back a bit if necessary and take another standing jump onto the small ledge just ahead. (Here it may help to press Action to shorten the jump a little so Lara doesn't overshoot the ledge.)

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Now take a running jump to the catwalk along the wall. Go to the far end and retrieve the SHOTGUN the last enemy dropped.

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Move to the right side of this L-shaped catwalk and draw pistols. Lara should be able to target the next bad guy from here. He'll run back and forth behind the column ahead, but if you hold the Action button, Lara will fire when she gets a clear shot.

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Take a running jump over to the ledge where his body is.

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There's another thug shooting at you from the next catwalk. You should be able to get him from here. Then search the last guy's body for shotgun shells.

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Now turn so the walkway with that last enemy—and the Gold Dragon on the cement footing below—are on Lara's right. Take a running jump to the catwalk against the wall. Note the opening above. You'll be exiting here later. Move to the other end of this walkway and take a running jump onto the next ledge.

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Carefully line up the next running jump to the catwalk where the last bad guy fell. Tap Left while Lara is in the air to veer in that direction.

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This enemy has no goodies, but you'll find the GREEN PASS CARD in a cabinet. Shoot out the glass and take it.

[Return to the Offshore Rig Walkthrough]

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