This page should help you find the towers for this mission in order as you play through the level for the first time. If you missed a few and are revisiting this area later in the game, the quick mission guide may be more useful.
Approach the Remnant General and press Interact to talk to him. He'll ask for your help destroying a series of communication towers and offers a reward, a LOCKPICK, as well as a chance to get into the locals' good graces. Press A/Enter to agree to help him.
The Mission: Communications Breakdown is noted on your map with green indicators for the mission giver and the towers you must destroy.
If you activate Survival Instinct, you'll also see a green beacon for each of the towers. You can just run out and do this now, but we'll cover them here in the course of our exploration. (You can now continue with the main walkthrough.)
If you head uphill to the north, you'll soon come to an abandoned sawmill. (It's the largest building in this area, so it's easy to spot on the map if you get disoriented.) Here you'll find the first communication tower (1/5) for the Communications Breakdown mission.
Watch out for wolves nearby. There may be several in the open area southeast of the mill building.
When the coast is clear, climb up into the Sawmill building and use your axe to destroy the first repeater tower for the mission. (Return to the main walkthrough.)
A bit later, after exploring the WOLF DEN for the Into Darkness Challenge...
...look for the next tower atop the tall rock formation above the cave. Climb the rock wall to the right of the cave entrance.
When you reach the ledge at the top of the climbable wall, grab the narrow ledge and climb around to the right.
Then jump to grab the next ledge, just a little bit above and to the right.
Pull up and squeeze through the narrow gap in the rocks.
Scale another climbable wall.
Then shimmy along a narrow ledge until you can drop down onto a wider ledge on the left.
Scramble up the wooden wall and continue around to the right.
Jump across the gap onto the next flat ledge.
Climb another wooden wall...
...then a section of rough stone, to reach the top.
Use your axe to destroy the communication tower (2/5).
Then slide down the zip line onto a wooden platform to the northeast.
Crack open a salvage crate. Then drop down and climb onto the rock ledge just to the right of the nearby CAVE (C4 on the map). Destroy the communication tower (3/5) here with your axe.
The next transmitter is located on a high ledge to the north of this cave. To get there, either climb the tall tree near the ledge or use the climbable rock wall to work your way up and around to the right. Destroy the communication tower (4/5). (Return to the main walkthrough.)
The final communication tower (5/5) is on the opposite side of the frozen stream from the SAWMILL, in a small, fenced-in area at the base of the cliff. This is also covered in the main walkthrough. When you've destroyed all of the transmitters, return to the Remnant General near the Logging Camp Base Camp to complete the mission.
[Return to the Logging Camp Walkthrough]
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