Geothermal Valley - 'For My Next Trick...' Achievement

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
Head for the well in the middle of the village. Hop up onto the tree stump near the blacksmith's forge...

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
...and turn to face the well.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
To swan dive, simultaneously press Forward and Jump, then just after takeoff press LT/Right Mouse to go into a dive.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
If you do it correctly, Lara will dive headfirst into the well, rather than jumping in feetfirst, and the achievement should unlock. If you're playing with keyboard and mouse, and Lara won't dive when you use the Right Mouse button, try jumping forward and pressing Dodge (C) instead.

Rise of the Tomb Raider screenshot
To get out of the well, use your climbing axes to scale the rough wall.

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