Draw your bow and aim as usual. When you target the soft wood surface on the side of the building, climbing arrows are automatically selected, just like rope arrows are selected when you target rope coils. Hold RT/Left Mouse to charge your shot. You'll see a white circle radiating from the spot you're targeting. Release the Fire button to shoot a climbing arrow into the wall.
Shoot one or two more climbing arrows into the wall now. Notice how the targeting circles turn green at the center when the arrows are spaced correctly. This means they're close enough together so Lara will be able to jump from one to the next.
Now use the arrows to climb onto the ledge above, just as you would climb tree branches.
Here you'll find a mural (12/12), Dedication from the Soviet Crests series (Russian).
When you're ready to move on from this area, slide down the zip line to the wooden platform below.
Then use the lines ahead to slide all the way down to the snowy ledge on the north side of the valley. If you don't yet have the Zipper Achievement, this a good place for it. As Lara approaches the end of the second zip line...
...briefly press B/C to drop and grab the line below. The achievement should then unlock.
When you land below, move forward onto the wooden ledge. Then either scale the climbable wall on the right...
...or shoot 3 climbing arrows into the soft wooden wall ahead. The first one goes here.
The second arrow in the lower middle panel. Notice the green targeting circles. This means Lara will be able to jump from one arrow to the next.
The third goes here.
Now use them to cross above the decrepit walkway.
Then climb the stairs to the Communications Tower Base Camp.
[Return to the Copper Mill Bridge Walkthrough]
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